The Rose Bowl

As the official newsletter of the DSOBS the quarterly Rose Bowl requires a one-time donation, per Dosco, to the tune of Re. 5000 (resident Indians) or Re. 10,000 (Non-Resident Indians) for a lifetime subscription.

So far, less than 1 in 4 Doscos has paid the subscription, with some Old Boys paying multiple times to keep the publication in print. Yet till recently it was being sent to all Old Boys irrespective of the status of payment of subscription. Those wishing to receive/continue receiving the print edition of The Rosebowl are urged to check the status of their subscription here. If you have not paid, please send a cheque for INR 5000/- or Re 10,000 [or $500], as the case may be, in the name of ‘the Doon School Old Boys’ Society’. Please write ‘Rose Bowl Corpus’ behind the cheque.

NRI Doscos who have not paid their subscriptions will not receive The Rosebowl. An electronic copy can be accessed on the website.


The Rose Bowl welcomes advertising in the form of strip ads, half and full page ads from any individuals or concerns wishing to reach out to Doon School alumni. For more details, please contact or