

Our founding fathers envisioned The Doon School as a pan-India school and at the same time have boys in School that came from families from all walks of life. However, with the passage of time, School’s fees have increased to an extent where salaried Doscos find it difficult to conceive of putting their children into ‘School’. This is particularly true for young Doscos serving in the Armed Forces, the public sector, the teaching profession or other salaried jobs. It was to reassure Doscos that some funds will be available from the DSOBS towards meeting their child’s education at Doon that the DSOBS Bursary Fund was set up.

Bursaries are corpuses created for academic scholarships and mandated by the creators of the bursary. An individual or group towards fulfilling a specific philanthropic purpose may start a bursary or add to the DSOBS bursary.


The DSOBS Scholarship programme provides means-based scholarship support to legacy students studying at The Doon School. The award of scholarships is based on a very transparent system. The qualifying criterium is that the candidate must be a recipient of scholarship from the School in the academic year. Once the candidate avails of a scholarship from School, he qualifies to apply for The DSOBS Scholarship support.


The DSOBS Post-School Scholarship Fund was established just some years ago. It has been created to provide means-based scholarship to Doscos for their college education. The qualifying criterium for this support is that the candidate must have studied in School on a 100% scholarship. As of now, given the small size of the corpus of this fund, The DSOBS supports candidates only for graduation, and that too only for colleges in India.